CushCoffee was founded by seventh generation farmer Johnny G Milton Jr., United States Marine Corps Veteran.
Cush Coffee is dedicated to the well bean of coffee. We are a group of individuals that respect the land and the men and women who provide us with quality coffee. Our mission is to bring to you the freshest, cleanest tasting coffee. We do this by actively participating with the farmers, as well as educating the consumers on ways they can better help the slow coffee movement. We are a group of regular people, with a passion for people, and of course great tasting coffee.
We work on ways of improving coffee profiles whether at the farm level by helping promote healthy growing habits, or at the Roaster level from teaching best roasting and packaging methods to ensure quality and maintain integrity of the bean. You may even see us educating on the barista level by ensuring good water, correct dosing, proper grinding, and bean storage, or maybe tweaking a machine ensure correct water temperature along with tamping espresso. Even proper uses of equipment and cleaning can have an effect. You can't have a clean cup of coffee with dirty equipment.
No matter where you see us, you can be sure that we are setting the standard and raising the bar. We strive for better than our best. We offer, through our BODY of brothers and sisters, services to include cafe consulting, marketing, website and design, and anything in between. We put the ART in artisan coffee! We are here to provide you with artisan, hand crafted, custom roasted coffee. Take your time, sip and savor the flavor.
Our plan is to educate individuals about coffee, the industry, the farms, the cups, everything coffee from the crop to the cup. Join us as we embark on this learning and teaching journey, because knowledge means nothing if you don't spread it. Lets us know how we may serve you. You are our business. |_|B Looking forward to serving you buna ~ ~ Dedicated To The Coffee Oath. ~